Paper Trails.

Summarising academic research about disaster recovery for people who aren’t researchers.


Public Health implications of multiple disaster exposure.

Leppold, Claire, Lisa Gibbs, Karen Block, Lennart Reifels, and Phoebe Quinn. "Public health implications of multiple disaster exposures." The Lancet Public Health 7, no. 3 (2022): e274-e286.


Life Matters - Guest

‘When disasters start to add up’
Episode: Tuesday 21 September, 2021

New research from the Australian Red Cross has found that over a third of people surveyed have lived through more than one disaster in less than two years and that two in five feel less hopeful about the future.

With large parts of Australia experiencing fire, flood and storms on top of a global pandemic, what is the cost of successive disasters?

And how can we measure the cumulative effect of multiple disasters on a person's sense of resilience, wellbeing and safety?

Dr Rob Gordon, disaster recovery psychologist, consultant in emergency and disaster recovery for the Red Cross and the Victorian Government
Dr Kate Brady, Red Cross National Recovery Adviser and research fellow at the University of Melbourne


Life Matters - Guest

Episode Monday 2 November 2020
‘Adjusting to life under “COVID-normal” rules’

“Now that the pandemic is much more under control, many Australians are heading out and adjusting to “COVID normal”. This means some of the things that you used to be able to do freely, like eating out, exercising at gyms and even visiting other people’s places, are allowable, but with restrictions, which could remain in place for some time.”